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Carnevale e Feste Locali

Carnevale e Feste Locali

Malta Carnival

The Malta Carnival is held every year at the end of February.  The history of the carnival dates back all the way to the 16th century. The celebration takes place on the Maltese Islands and it is definitely one of the events not to be missed out. The heart of the carnival is situated in Valletta and Floriana but it is also celebrated in Gozo where many especially young people flock to for the weekend. Everywhere people are dressed up colourful and special parade floats drive through the streets and entertain the crowds with music and dancing. You can either just admire the manifold costumes or join into the crowds. Carnivals in Malta and Gozo differ from each other. Whilst the Carnival in Malta has many different bright colours and offers a great day for the whole family, the carnival in Gozo is more for the young adults who strive for a night of party and for the darker and more adventurous themes during the spontaneous street carnival in the ancient village of Nadur.


Since Malta is a very catholic country there are many festas held on almost every weekend especially during the month from May to September. These festas are religious celebrations organised by the church, however, apart from the religious part these feasts are days of joy and fun in the villages. Usually a Maltese festa lasts for at least 3 days. The village festas are held to celebrate the patron saint or other saints of each town. To experience one of those festas is very special because the villages where it takes place are decorated colourful with flags, statues, festoons and more.

There are also several stands that sell both typical Maltese products, such as nougat, and fast food. Occasionally a visitor might have a chance to have an inside look to a traditional Maltese home. To see a typical Maltese wedding or the ground fireworks which are done during those festas is one of the highlights.